Youtube Video Embed

This provides a fast way to embed youtube videos since it loads the youtube thumbnail istead of the iframe. It loads the iframe and starts playing upong clicking the play button.


Youtube video:

<Youtube id="EBtsu6naB8g" />

With custom play button

Youtube video:

<Youtube id="EBtsu6naB8g">

Using custom overlay

Youtube video:

  --overlay-transition="all {overlayTransitionDuration}ms linear"

Using custom title colors

Youtube video:


Alternative thumbnail

Some videos don't have custom thumbnail, so you can use this option to set the thumbnail to the default one.

Youtube video:

<Youtube id="EBtsu6naB8g" altThumb={true} />

Disable animations

You can disable animation that is displayed when the play button is clicked by passing `animations` attribute.

Youtube video:

<Youtube id="EBtsu6naB8g" animations={false} />

Custom thumbnail

Similar to how we can use custom play button, we can also use custom thumbnails.

Use slot="thumbnail" to a image/picture html tag and place it inside Yoututbe component.

A video on svelte

<Youtube id="EBtsu6naB8g">
    alt="A video on svelte"
    style="width: 100%; height: 100%; object-fit: contain; object-position: center; background: red"
  <!-- inline styles are optional -->